Home > Pro Wrestling > BREAKING: TNA will return to Thursday’s after tonight

BREAKING: TNA will return to Thursday’s after tonight

Earlier today, TNA president Dixie Carter posted on twitter that TNA would make a major announcement tonight on iMPACT. As of 7 p.m. EST, multiple Spike TV sources have told TheSteelCage.net that the announcement will be that tonight’s show will be the last live iMPACT airing on Monday’s for the foreseeable future, and that iMPACT will return to it’s original 9 p.m. time slot on Thursday nights beginning next week.

Last week’s 0.5 rating was said to be the last straw for the network, who have seen the show do almost as good, if not better in its Thursday replay airing.

A TNA source indicated that the show could go live on Thursday’s, preceding the weekend slate of house shows, but a Spike TV source denied that claim, saying that TNA would go back to it’s original taping schedule, airing taped shows on Thursdays.

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  1. Jayhawk
    May 3, 2010 at 7:36 pm


    Now I’ve thought that the TNA product is really on par, if not better at times, than WWE, but if you keep making time-slot switches willy-nilly and handling backstage issues the way they currently are (i.e. the BTLS situation), then I don’t see how they’ll ever “compete” with WWE.

    And if they can’t figure out how to use and fill bigger venues down the road, then they might as well forget trying to get a larger television audience. Really disappointed. They never should have moved. (Easy to say that now I guess).

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