Home > Pro Wrestling > Raw hits a home run

Raw hits a home run

Call me crazy, but last night’s Raw was one of the best shows I’ve seen in quite some time. I really liked the action in the ring – and it seemed like there was more of it – and the talking segments provided a point and told a story.

I loathe Vickie Guerrero, and HATE seeing her on television, but maybe that simply means she’s doing her job. I was utterly shocked at the amount of heat she generated in the opening segment and WWE should seriously consider making her the permanent Raw GM. The guest host formula, which has been good for most of the past year, has certainly lost its luster.

The Edge-Randy Orton build up reminds me of an old-fashioned wrestling feud. There is a story and they’re telling it through action and words. They’re also pulling some other guys into it – i.e. R-Truth and Ted DiBiase – in order to give some others the rub and tell two stories at once. WWE actually pulled that off twice last night, first with Mark Henry saving John Cena from Sheamus and Batista and then later in the night with DiBiase getting involved in the Orton-Edge story.

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