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Fatal Four Way Results/Reaction

*I wasn’t surprised to see Kofi Kingston beat Drew McIntyre to retain the Intercontinental Championship, but I was surprised at how well the match came across. It’s no knock on the guys, but I didn’t expect to really be into this match. Vince starting the show really added that element of “something different” and the whole storyline with Teddy Long at ringside really kept me interested in the match.

*Alicia Fox going over for the Divas Championship was just a way to cement home the rules of Fatal Four Way matches, in my opinion.

*Evan Bourne over Chris Jericho was just another step up the ladder for Bourne, who is getting a push he absolutely deserves. He’s unique and brings an element to the ring that not many others can. The loss doesn’t hurt Jericho, who is over enough that he could come out on Raw tonight and still keep all of his heat.

*I’m not sure what to make of Rey Mysterio winning the World Heavyweight title. I don’t think taking the strap off Jack Swagger was a bad idea, but I also wouldn’t have been opposed by keeping it on him. It will be interesting to see what WWE does with Swagger now.

*Once again, The Miz and R-Truth delivered in a big way. These two just seem to have some chemistry about them. Miz has really solidified himself as a star, which I’ll admit I never saw coming – even when he was paired with John Morrison.

*The Hart DynastyUsos match was a nice added surprise. I really like the way this angle was built on television – very old school – and these youngsters went out and put on a helluva show for the time they were given. They took a match that they basically ran on an FCW show earlier in the week and put it on PPV. The match was entertaining, too. A solid built tag team feud that involves actual teams, not paired up singles wrestlers with nothing to do.

*The WWE title match was another surprise. Firstly, I never expected WWE to have Cena drop the belt. And if he did, I wouldn’t have expected it to go on Sheamus. Outside of a short stint in March-April, these guys have been intertwined with each other for a while. It hasn’t gotten to that point yet, but it’s starting to feel like the Cena-Randy Orton feud last year that fans quickly grew tired of.

Obviously, the NXT involvement was expected at some point, especially when they were not heard from during other parts of the show and I like that it was NXT that basically cost Cena the strap. The question is where they go from here? Wade Barrett still has that title shot – at least I assume he does – and a Barrett-Sheamus PPV, at this point, is not a wise choice.

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