Home > MMA, Pro Wrestling > Batista trains with Cesar Gracie through Strikeforce

Batista trains with Cesar Gracie through Strikeforce

Sherdog.com posted a great read about former WWE champ Dave Batista, who trained with Cesar Gracie for two days in California. The arrangement was facilitated by Strikeforce, according to the story.

“He’s got a lot to learn but his strength alone is impressive,” Gracie told the site. “Obviously he’s a beginner at jiu-jitsu but we can take a guy like that that’s already a strong athlete like that and teach him what to not get caught in.

“He’s a pretty good kicker,” said Gracie. “He hits very hard.”

Batista hit the mats with former Strikeforce middleweight champ Jake Shields – who is rumored to be signing a UFC deal soon – as well as welterweight Nick Diaz.

You can read the full story by clicking here.

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