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WWE: Bret Hart returns on Raw

It’s rare that wrestling is able to deliver a surprise.

The closing angle on Raw Monday night is a perfect example. As John Cena debuted his team, which will face the Nexus at Summerslam, the biggest name would be saved for last – it always is. Well, we already had Chris Jericho and Edge – likely the two biggest names on the team outside of Cena.

As they opened the aisle, I marked out. How could you not? I was trying like hell to predict who the final member would be – my guess? Bryan Danielson.

Boy, was I wrong.

Bret Hart was a helluva payoff, making his return to the program after being “injured” by the Nexus group early into the storyline.

Hart will team with Cena, Edge, Jericho, John Morrison, Great Khali and R-Truth against the group at Summerslam next month.

In a day and age where the internet is so sophisticated, it’s rare a surprise like Hart is kept to be just that, a surprise. Too often are payoffs like that spoiled by good reporting – I don’t blame the sites for reporting it. I have sources, and if I had an exclusive, I’d publish it, too. But it’s nice to, once in a while, have the wrestling business take my back to when I was a kid, when I marked out for everything.

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