Home > MMA > UFC: Toney-Couture garnering heavy local interest

UFC: Toney-Couture garnering heavy local interest

We’re based out of Boston, home of UFC 118 next month at the TD Garden. Among the MMA community, there is obvious excitement for the debut of the world’s biggest MMA company right in our backyard.

At least I assumed that the masses would be looking forward to the rematch between BJ Penn and Frankie Edgard after their knockout, dragout brawl earlier this year. If not, maybe it would be Kenny Florian, the hometown kid, who fights Gray Maynard in what could prove to be a No. 1 contender’s bout for the Edgar-Penn winner.

But all the talk around here seems to be focused on a tubby boxer with a big mouth and a UFC Hall of Famer.

James Toney and Randy Couture – if you weren’t an MMA fan – is what you would think the main event is.

This whole fight has a very “pro-wrestling” feel to it. The build up between Toney and Dana White has been fabulous, with each side getting their jabs, White even going so far as to mention Toney at the UFC 116 presser.

Locally, there have been articles in newspapers and Boston-based websites hyping the event, and it all seems to focus on Toney-Couture.

Hey, I’m looking forward to that fight, too. Talk about a “pro-wrestling” feel … I want to see Couture, MMA’s babyface, kick the snot out of Toney. As White put it, I want to see Toney get his “head squashed.” Couture has a lot to prove for not only himself, but the sport.

But that fight isn’t the reason I’ve been looking forward to covering this event cageside since it was announced. Edgar-Penn, Florian-Maynard … this is what should be bringing the crowds. If Toney can help UFC spike a pay-per-view buyrate – if it brings in new fans by attracting some in the boxing community – then I’m all for it.

Only if Randy wins, of course.

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